Advanced shoulder surgery certification

Certification of your shoulder surgery program validates that your facilities and services meet or exceed standards of care in the complex specialty of shoulder surgery

DNV is dedicated to helping hospitals improve quality and patient safety. Certification of your shoulder surgery program validates that your facilities and services meet or exceed standards of care in the complex specialty of shoulder surgery. That knowledge inspires pride and confidence among staff, patients, and your entire community. 

Benefits of Certification

DNV Advanced Shoulder Surgery Certification:
  • Provides a framework that assists organizations in the development and implementation of systems and processes which improve operational effectiveness and enhance positive health outcomes
  • Certification improves the Quality Management System by taking a broaderview on what drives success. Together we identify critical risks and relevant processes that impact long-term goals
  • The DNV survey emphasizes results and creative thinking, not just following checklists

Certification Survey Components

The certification survey focuses on processes across the continuum of care that contribute to positive outcomes and support performance improvement:
  • Coordinates with the Applicant Organization to schedule an annual announced survey
  • Provides a specifically qualified DNV Surveyor to conduct the one day audit survey
  • Provides the survey agenda and document request list in advance to assist with organization survey planning
  • Incorporates program data review as part of audit activity on an annual basis
  • Survey activity audits the Shoulder Surgery Program across the continuum of care