Stroke Care Certification Programs

The quality choice for excellent outcomes

Strokes happen quickly, so getting patients to the right place for treatment is critical. DNV uses its extensive experience and clinical knowledge to assess all aspects of a facility’s ability to diagnose, treat and support stroke emergencies. We work closely with you to determine if your facility meets the requirements for certification and develop an action plan with achievable steps, helping you to achieve all aspects of the standard.

As more states create formal stroke center designations, it is increasingly important to distinguish yourself based on quality of care. Certification by the DNV — a globally respected accreditation body — is a key step toward qualifying for such designations and establishing your hospital’s reputation for excellence.  

We offer four levels of Stroke Program Certification:

  • Acute Stroke Ready Certification
  • Primary Stroke Center Certification
  • Primary Stroke Center Plus Certification
  • Comprehensive Stroke Center Certification

Stroke care certification documents

Our standards and requirements are available for download free of charge


Stroke care service line brochure


Acute stroke ready (ASR) certification standards


Primary stroke center (PSC) certification standards


Primary plus stroke center (PSC+) certification standards


Comprehensive stroke center (CSC) certification standards