Thank you for your interest in DNV - Business Assurance events.
This webinar is delivered to you together with KestrelTellevate LLC - a renowned Food and Management Systems consulting firm.
Many food companies face challenges when it comes to sanitation and hygiene, particularly after periods of shutdown or emergency response when the company returns to “business as usual” in the future.
This webinar focusses on sanitation and hygiene best practices for building, equipment, personnel areas, personnel, and employee welfare as it relates to startup for pre-operations following shutdown periods. Each area is described, along with the related sanitation/hygiene issues, concerns, possible impacts, risks, inspection, observation, and controls.
Topics covered in the webinar include the following:
• Various methods of sterilization, sanitation, and disinfection
o Potency in killing germs and unknowns of efficacy
o Applicability in manufacturing, processing, holding and for various sizes of packaging
o Advantages and disadvantages of inspection types (e.g., visual, odor, physical state)
o Recommendations to achieve effective results with environmental monitoring (EM) programs
• Expanded programs based on the re-start situation
• Documenting the sanitation processes
• Responding to unanticipated testing or observations