Global FE analysis software – ShipLoad

Select and generate design loads for global FE analyses of ship structures.

ShipLoad software provides support in modelling the mass distribution of the ship, including outfitting, cargo and selecting the appropriate design waves. The resulting static and dynamic loads (both from inertia and water pressure) for global Finite Element (FE) analyses are exported to FE codes. The load types are combined to yield balanced load cases.

What you get

  • ShipLoad can easily be applied in a typical design environment since it only requires a global FE model of the ship as input
  • The output from ShipLoad consists of nodal forces that can be applied in any standard FE program 
  • Tanks or other enclosed volumes in the FE model are found automatically
  • Input of containers is achieved in the standard bay-row-tier system with graphic feedback
  • By combining mass distributions, different loading conditions of a ship can be examined very efficiently

Dimensioning the hull structure

To find the most relevant regular waves, ShipLoad analyses numerous wave situations. Thanks to an easy-to-use mechanism for defining the selection criteria, you can specify which design waves are to be chosen for the global strength analysis. The outcome is a small number of balanced load cases that are sufficient for dimensioning the hull structure.

Key benefits of ShipLoad software

  • Efficient software tool featuring a clear layout and handy copy and paste functions
  • Re-uses data from other programs for optimal efficiency and accuracy
  • Results are reproducible in line with the Guidelines for Global FE Analysis and are accessible through graphic feedback

ShipLoad and customer tools