ESG in Maritime - Acting now for a sustainable future

ESG is about addressing transformation, by understanding and controlling risks and opportunities, and how it affects your maritime business.

The shipping industry is experiencing an increased attention towards ESG and decarbonisation from multiple stakeholders like regulators, financiers and cargo owners. There is a demand for a fact-based scientific disclosure of your sustainability story. Business as usual is not an option anymore.

DNV supports customers with a broad range of services related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). These include ESG due diligence, ESG framework development, the establishment of relevant ESG KPIs and ESG strategies, as well as roadmaps for ways to improve ESG performance and ESG rating and reporting.

What is ESG reporting in the shipping industry?

In the maritime world, similar to other industries, ESG reporting covers topics such as recycling, greenhouse gas emissions, other pollutants to air, ecological impacts, business ethics, employee health and safety, as well as accident and safety management.

ESG reports and sustainability reports aim to disclose performance on parameters within all three areas that are important for the company’s operation. The reporting serves to satisfy stakeholders’ demands for transparency on corporate responsibility issues. It also conveys that the company has policies, initiatives and strategies in place to manage the ESG risks and opportunities.

Our experts have already assisted numerous maritime stakeholders on ESG matters

We build on UN Sustainability Goals (UN SDG) and existing frameworks such as TCFD, SASB, GRI and adapt the different taxonomies to the shipping industry offering the following assistance:

  • ESG strategy – setting a sustainable pathway for your company
  • ESG framework development – defining targets, KPIs and processes
  • ESG due diligence – identifying and managing ESG risks and opportunities
  • ESG data collection and data verification – ensuring a scientific foundation and trust in reporting
  • Automated ESG data reporting – saving time and cost, and speeding up the improvement cycle
  • Multi-stakeholder view on ESG data – streamlining multiple stakeholder reporting
  • Green and sustainable bonds and loans – securing access to capital

Why choose DNV for demonstrating ESG and sustainability in the shipping industry:

  • Maritime industry insights and deep technical domain knowledge
  • Help in navigating continuously changing environmental regulations and support you in managing risk
  • Long-standing corporate ESG experience and expertise in managing risks related to ESG such as pollution, safety and new or stricter KPIs from stakeholders such as banks

Related links

Decarbonization in shipping

Shipping is experiencing increasing pressure to decarbonize its operations and to reduce emissions to air.

Assessment of recycling yards

We deliver feasibility studies, technology qualification and in-depth analysis of the real-life use of compliance solutions.