Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU

Ensuring that your products do not cause excessive electromagnetic interference

Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU is applicable to electrical products from April 2016 and it supersedes Directive 2004/108/EC.

It differs from other CE marking directives because its main role is not safety of equipment itself, but protection of the electromagnetic spectrum. It covers electrical and electronic products with a risk of causing electromagnetic disturbances in their environment.

The EMC directive requires products to be constructed so that they:

  • Do not cause excessive electromagnetic interference
  • Are not unduly affected by electromagnetic interference

Why is Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive Important?

Electrical and electronic devices and installations could interfere with other devices, or could be affected by electromagnetic interference. Such interference may typical be radiated emission or conducted emission on power- and signal cables.

For such devices and installations it is necessary to ensure that they comply with local regulation.

When it comes to EU market, each product placed on it has to be CE marked (adequately assessed, with the aim to prove that the product complies to all essential requirements of applicable directives).

Testing and certification

Products are tested according to relevant international standards to verify compliance with the requirements. The test results will, together with other technical documentation form the basis for declaring conformity with the directive, and affixing the CE mark on the product.

CE marking represents a visible consequence of a whole process comprising conformity assessment in a broad sense. It is important both to customers and public authorities.

How can we help?

We provide services for conformity assessment. We can also assist to perform the required tests, evaluation of test results and certification of equipment and production


Electro magnetic compatibility 2014/30/EU


Application form with certification rules