Technology Outlook 2025: On the cusp of a technological revolution

Oslo: Every five years, DNV GL publishes its Technology Outlook, a report intended to generate discussion and insight into the technology landscape of the next decade within selected industries. A common thread of the latest report is around new ways of utilizing digitization opportunities.

“It may be hard to believe we’re on the cusp of a technological revolution at a time when the global economy as a whole is slowing. But our view in DNV GL is that we are indeed entering a new ‘renaissance’ in industrial progress with the accelerated uptake of cyber-physical systems,” says Remi Eriksen, Group President and CEO.

Technology Outlook 2025 presents a view of the technology developments that we can expect to see applied over the next decade. The mantra for technology development in the decade ahead will be implementation and allowing novel but existing technologies to achieve real scale and meaning.

A common thread throughout the report is that the future technology landscape will be increasingly connected and intertwined. Technology Outlook 2025 talks about complex ship systems with increasing levels of autonomy that will be operated and optimized from shore. It talks about the oil and gas industry heading towards fully automated drilling. It explores convergence of technology developments within the power sector that will enable the energy transition. And it predicts a revolution within healthcare.

The digitalisation of information flows will spur the automation of existing processes and functions and have a positive impact on the safety and environmental performance of many industries. As the world’s leading class society, DNV GL believes that ships are becoming sophisticated sensor hubs and data generators. Advances in satellite communications are improving ship connectivity and allowing a massive increase in the volumes of data transferred at ever-lower cost. The ship of the future is rapidly becoming a floating computer.

During a media presentation at the DNV GL headquarters in Oslo, Remi Eriksen stated: “This edition of Technology Outlook is very much about the probable, and less about the possible. It is not an investigation into edgy, avant-garde technology. Instead, it explores the technology likely to be taken up in the next ten years”.

"Our view is that the coming decade will be about implementation.  It will be about action. Technologies that until now have been considered breakthrough are going to be deployed on a large scale by 2025 or not long thereafter,” he said. And repeated: “Digitalisation and decarbonisation will certainly be important drivers in many industries.”

Some of the industries that DNV GL works in are facing tough times these days. However, DNV GL will continue to invest 5% of its revenue in research and innovation. By doing so, we are better prepared for what is ahead of us and better able to support our customers.

Technology Outlook 2025 establishes a platform for 2025 based on predictions of economic trends, geopolitical trends, demographics changes, etc. The Technology Outlook itself has three main focus areas – shipping, energy and life sciences.

Go to our Technology Outlook web site for a more interactive view of the report's content.

About DNV GL

Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil & gas and energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 15,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our customers make the world safer, smarter and greener.

About DNV GL R&I

The objective of our strategic research is to support DNV GL’s overall strategy through new knowledge and services. Such research is carried out in selected, key technology areas that have a long-term impact and has the ultimate objective of helping our customers set new standards of safer, smarter and greener performance in their industries – for today and tomorrow.

Technology Outlook 2025 media kit

The Technology Outlook 2025 website and associated images and video. All media credit: DNV.


A selection of images illustrating TO2025


Watch the TO2025 films here