
Prior to reporting, the EU regulation requires a Monitoring Plan for EU MRV, while for the IMO DCS, a SEEMP Part II is required.

These plans shall describe the respective vessel, its installed combustion machinery, fuel types to be used, and the methods for determining fuel oil consumption.

To facilitate the work to generate the EU MRV Monitoring Plan and the SEEMP Part II, DNV has developed electronic web applications, available in My Services on Veracity.

For DNV-classed vessels, the apps have some pre-filled fields with text proposals, and for the remaining needed information there is a wizard that leads you through the process.


To ensure compliance with the EU and IMO requirements (see link below), DNV has established electronic reporting forms. The forms are available via My Services on our Veracity platform. When completed, the same forms shall be submitted to DNV for approval.

System-to-system connection, allowing fully automated data transfer, can be established anytime, if requested. DNV will provide you with a storage container on the Veracity platform. For more information, please see the FAQ.

For vessels subject to both EU MRV and IMO DCS, the DNV reporting requirements will cover both schemes.

Verification of data

DNV has designed the verification process as digital as possible to avoid any additional work for its customers. Our experts will check your emissions report with your voyage log abstract and available external data.


Verification of data for EU MRV will be in accordance with scope as specified in the EU Regulation 2016/2072.

DNV – Maritime is accredited by the German accreditation body DAkkS to verify compliance towards the EU Monitoring, Reporting and Verification regulation.

Verifiers’ responsibilities include ensuring that monitoring plans and emissions reports are “correct and in compliance with the requirements”. Assurance is to be provided by assessing the reliability, credibility and accuracy of the monitoring systems and of the reported data.


For IMO DCS, verification of reported fuel oil consumption data is performed by DNVas Recognized Organization on behalf of the respective Flags.

Verification of data for IMO DCS will be in accordance with the scope as specified in IMO MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 22A

For further details, please refer to the FAQs for MRV and FAQs for DCS.

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