Impact on certification audits
The International Automotive Task Force (IATF) issued a new version (6th Edition) of the Rules with an implementation date of 1 January 2025. Along with strengthening and clarifying various processes, approaches, requirements and IATF intentions, the new Rules 6th edition was developed to improve the IATF 16949 certification scheme and client transfer process, incorporate Rules 5th Sanctioned Interpretations (SIs) and FAQs and update eligibility requirements for IATF 16949 certification.
The new Rules 6th Edition requirements hold a number of changes that apply to the IATF-recognized certification bodies, like DNV. In addition, there are certain requirements that impact and should be understood by any organization certified to IATF 16949. This page intends to outline some of the changes in Rules 6th edition that impact the certification process for certified companies, hereafter referred to as the “client”.
Rules change
Some of the changes in Rules 6 include but are not limited to:
Eligibility criteria for Extended Manufacturing Sites (EMS)
An EMS shall be located within ten (10) miles (sixteen [16] Kilometers) and no more than sixty (60) minutes of driving distance from the main manufacturing site. -
Audit Cycle
All surveillance audits will be 12-monthly. No more 6 or 9 monthly intervals allowed. -
Audit Duration
Maximum audit days reduction for Corporate Schemes will be 15%. Maximum overall audit days reduction 30%. Additional time will be added for planning, performance issues and closure of previous non-conformities (NCs). -
Audit: Stage 1
- The time between the closing meeting date of stage 1 and the start date of Stage 2 shall be a minimum of 20 calendar days.
- The time between the closing meeting date of stage 1 and the start date of Stage 2 shall be a maximum of 90 calendar days. If this cannot be achieved, another complete Stage 1 is required to be performed.
Audit Planning
- The audit dates shall be agreed and confirmed by the client 90 days before the start date.
- Audit planning information shall be received from the client at least 30 days before the audit.
- For all audit types, a minimum of 0.5 for planning will be added to the Audit Duration.
The client shall notify its Certification Body (CB) of any relocation. After evaluation, the CB shall decide if an initial audit will be conducted at the new location, as special
audit, or addition of time at the next audit. -
Pre-audit/Pre-assessments are no longer permitted. -
Non-Conformity (NC) Management
- Clients must provide initial responses to major NCs within 15 calendar days.
- If a client is suspended due to performance complaint, the client shall provide response in IATF CMS, within 20 days after receiving the suspension notification.
The above is by no means an exhaustive list of all new/revised requirements, but rather a snapshot of some of the critical changes of which it is important to be aware.
A recorded IAOB/SMMT session on the Rule 6 changes with more information can be found here.
The new version of The Rules is available in twelve languages. You can buy an official copy of Rules 6th Edition through links on the IATF Publication page.

IATF 16949 Certification: Automotive Standard
Demonstrate your ability to effectively and efficiently meet customer requirements.

IATF 16949 Foundation and Internal Auditor
A three-day course covering the subject of Quality Management Systems (QMS) and their auditing in the automotive industry.

IATF foundation and core tools
A four-day course introducing the new IATF 16949 which is currently the reference for the implementation of an Automotive Quality Management System.